$2,825.00 USD

Setting Up A Successful and Repeatable Marketing Plan From The Ground Up (6 Sessions – 1 hr ea)

Unlock the keys to crafting a winning marketing plan from the ground up with our exclusive coaching program, "Setting Up A Successful Marketing Plan From The Ground Up" by Ryan.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Sales Goal Mastery: Ryan will demystify your agency's sales goals, guiding you on how to break them down into actionable quotes and activities.

  2. Agency Analysis: Gain insights into your agency's unique characteristics to tailor a marketing plan that aligns with your agency's culture.

  3. Effective Marketing Strategies: Discover which marketing strategies are most effective for your agency's success.

  4. Producer Interviews: Learn how to interview each producer to identify the ideal marketing strategy for their strengths.

  5. Vendor Relationships: Gain insights into selecting and negotiating with vendors for optimal results.

  6. Proven Processes: Access Ryan's tried-and-tested processes and talk paths for each marketing strategy.

  7. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Collaborate with Ryan to extract valuable CRM data, including close rates, profitability by zip code, and best-performing lead sources.

  8. Budgeting and Revenue Projection: Create a comprehensive marketing budget and generate projected revenue, equipped with tools to track ROI per marketing strategy, lead vendor, and sales producer.

Invest in Your Agency's Growth:

Take your agency to new heights with a solid, tailored marketing plan that yields results. Enroll today and embark on a journey to marketing success.